Movie Night “Mein Bruder heißt Robert und ist ein Idiot”

In the course of the “InterChair Colloquium”, we go to the movies together and wath the film “Mein Bruder heißt Robert und ist ein Idiot”.

The “InterChair Colloquium” is an open forum for philosophy. It seeks to cross the boundaries of chairs and seminars at the Institute for Philosophy. Every week speakers – students, MA and Ph.D. graduate students or faculty members – make presentations on topics related to their current research.

Meeting point at 5.45 p.m. at the inner courtyard.

Here you find the poster for this event. For questions please contact

Date: 11/28/2018


Conference Room of the International Center for Philosophy NRW (IZPH)
Poppelsdorfer Allee 28
53115 Bonn
3rd floor (elevator available)
Entrance area not barrier-free