Michael Hampe: Grausamkeit

Michael Hampe: Grausamkeit Prof. Dr. Michael Hampe from the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Switzerland) will give a talk on “Grausamkeit”. The event begins at 4.15 p.m. The talk is free of … Weiterlesen

Ontology and Skepticism

Ontology and Skepticism In this workshop we explore Neo-Pyrrhonian arguments against heavy-duty metaphysics/ontology in the context of contemporary debates in epistemology and meta-ontology. What would an updated Pyrrhonist contribute to … Weiterlesen

The Claims of Autonomy

The Claims of Autonomy This conference brings together experts as well as rising scholars in the field, to discuss different aspects of the topic Claims of Autonomy historically as well … Weiterlesen