Sergio Genovesi: Ontologie nach der Dekonstruktion

In the course of the “InterChair Colloquium”, Sergio Genovesi will give a talk entitled “Ontologie nach der Dekonstruktion”.

The “InterChair Colloquium” is an open forum for philosophy. It seeks to cross the boundaries of chairs and seminars at the Institute for Philosophy. Every week speakers – students, MA and Ph.D. graduate students or faculty members – make presentations on topics related to their current research.

The event begins at 6.15 p.m.

The talk is free of charge and open to the public. Everyone interested is cordially invited.

For questions please contact Eva Jeske ( or Frederik Otto (

Date: 20/04/2016


Tagungsraum des Internationalen Zentrums für Philosophie NRW (IZPH)
Poppelsdorfer Allee 28
53115 Bonn
3. Etage (Aufzug vorhanden)
Eingangsbereich nicht barrierefrei